60 days in ’93: How The Red Devils conquered Europe

From April 1 to May 31, The Red Devils played a series of important dates throughout Europe, exposing the band to an audience that would continue to be loyal to them for more than 30 years.

Catching up: Red Devils Pinkpop podcast; Lester Butler in OOR

Before we launch into a busy new year, here are a couple of quick items you might have missed toward the end of 2021.

Lyrics: “She’s Dangerous” at Pinkpop 1993

Here’s a different take on the story “’bout a girl I know and my best friend.” The live version of “She’s Dangerous” is an insistent rocker, much more aggressive than the stop-time swagger of the definitive “King King” version. In concert, Lester Butler plays with the lyrics, an ever-shifting narrative of who is catching whoContinue reading “Lyrics: “She’s Dangerous” at Pinkpop 1993″

Dave Alvin remembers Butler and Red Devils

Dave Alvin posted his thoughts to Facebook Dec. 4: Got to thinking today about the late, talented Lester Butler and the short lived but tough little blues outfit, The Red Devils, so I found a good clip of the guys playing some European festival over a decade ago. Yeah, that’s Blaster Bill Bateman on drumsContinue reading “Dave Alvin remembers Butler and Red Devils”

Lyrics: “The Backstreet Crawler” (“Time to Cry”) at Pinkpop 1993

Alternately called “Time to Cry” or “Your Turn to Cry” by fans, this Red Devils boogie at Pinkpop 1993 is actually titled “The Backstreet Crawler” on its only official release on the “Blackwater Roll” EP. The lyrics of the song are just as confusing as the title. The Pinkpop lyrics are different than the “BlackwaterContinue reading “Lyrics: “The Backstreet Crawler” (“Time to Cry”) at Pinkpop 1993″

nofightin.com on YouTube

For those who haven’t seen it on the righthand side of the page, nofightin.com is now on YouTube as nofightindotcom. Right now, we’ve gathered some of the best Red Devils, 13 and Lester Butler clips in easy-to-use playlists, so you can hear things like Pinkpop all in one sitting (and in the right order). IfContinue reading “nofightin.com on YouTube”

“I was Wrong” Lyrics

Contained in this post are the lyrics to the song credited incorrectly as “Who Do You Love” on the Pinkpop video footage. It has been unofficially renamed “I was Wrong,” taking its name from the phrase most often repeated in the chorus by Lester Butler. The lyrics are similar to and seem to have beenContinue reading ““I was Wrong” Lyrics”