60 days in ’93: How The Red Devils conquered Europe

From April 1 to May 31, 1993, The Red Devils played a series of important festivals, TV and radio programs and club dates throughout Europe.

Those 60 days on the road exposed the band to a much wider audience, one that would continue to be loyal to The Red Devils for more than 30 years.

For many, their first exposure to The Red Devils was at the Moulin Blues Festival in Ospel that year. Or at Pinkpop in Landgraaf, Netherlands, live or on the TV broadcast. Tapes from some of these performances were sought-after by collectors throughout the ’90s and early 2000s.

Here is a day-by-day look at how The Red Devils conquered Europe in 1993.

April 1: Jamming with Jagger in London

A small crowd got a surprise when The Red Devils performed at Roberto’s club in London. Mick Jagger, who had been sitting quietly in the bar, came up to perform with the band on two numbers: “Who Do You Love” and “Checkin’ Up On My Baby.” This story from the April 2, 1993, Evening Standard in London had the blow-by-blow (including a photo that appears similar to these).

April 11: Red Devils wanted on Euro MTV

In perhaps the strangest moment of a tour filled with memorable gigs, The Red Devils on April 11 performed on “Most Wanted” on MTV Europe. The band focused on two songs — “Time to Cry” and “She’s Dynamite” — that were not on the album (“King King”) they were ostensibly there to promote. These songs were recorded at Stonebridge Park Warehouse in London.

April 29: De Haagse Koninginnenacht, Den Haag, The Netherlands

April 30: Lantaarn Hellendoorn

May 1: Moulin Blues Festival classic

The Red Devils debuted at the Moulin Blues Festival in Ospel on May 1, 1993. The performance that night — a loose, ramshackle affair — put the Devils front and center for a large festival crowd. Moulin Blues would continue to be an important stop for all Red Devils alumni for the next 30 years.

May 2: Paradiso excellence

Just one day removed from the high of the Moulin Blues Festival and the Devils had to do it again, this time at the legendary Paradiso nightclub in Amsterdam.

May 3: The ‘2 Meter Sessies’

The 2 Meter Sessies is a Dutch radio series, a live-in-the-studio “unplugged” session. Of course, the Devils didn’t unplug at all, giving one of their essential performances on May 3, 1993, at Bullet Sound Studios in the Netherlands. The band sounds rested — a hardworking blues band on top of their game.

May 4: Return to the Borderline

The Red Devils returned to London’s Borderline club on May 4, 1993. That set was captured in a fiery bootleg, one of the key live recordings that continued to build the band’s fame long after its end.

May 30: Den Deel, Toornwerd, Netherlands

May 31: Good morning Pinkpop!

“All right, we’re gonna get the party started for the day, right now!”

And with that brief introduction, The Red Devils launched into an early-morning boogie blast to thousands of sleepy-eyed, mud-crusted music fans at Pinkpop in The Netherlands.

The Red Devils’ Monday morning set is iconic, and for good reason. From Bateman’s aggressive beat to Size’s mammoth guitar (not to mention Butler rising to the occasion with one of his most charismatic performances on video), there was no doubt that The Red Devils had arrived.

May 31: Nightcap at Doornroosje

Hours after playing one of the most important sets of their lives, The Red Devils did it again later that night at Doornroosje in Nijmegen, Holland.

Published by J.J.

Drums and barbecue ribs. Blues music.

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