Paul Size on getting robbed at Mick Jagger’s birthday party, more

As part of the interviews for his 2011 book “Jagger: Rebel, Rock Star, Rambler, Rogue,” author Marc Spitz has uploaded some of his audio interviews to SoundCloud.

Paul Size was a prime source for Chapter 19, “The Red Devils’ Blues,” which once again tells the tale of the Devils, the King King, Jagger’s blues mojo and the ill-fated Jagger/Devils album that never really came to be.

In this clip, Size talks about playing Jagger’s birthday party in London — and getting robbed for his troubles. The elusive Dave Lee Bartel makes a cameo in the story to save the day in ultimate rhythm guitar fashion.

Spitz next draws comparisons to The Red Devils to two other blues-based “color” bands: The White Stripes and The Black Keys, then Size gives his take on the Jagger sessions, and if he’d like to see them released officially.

Paul Size fans will get a chance to see him in action as he joins Big Pete as special guest at the Simi Valley Cajun and Blues Music Festival May 27.

Published by J.J.

Drums and barbecue ribs. Blues music.

6 thoughts on “Paul Size on getting robbed at Mick Jagger’s birthday party, more

  1. I’d like to comment – but I can’t access the video…Is anyone else having a problem with it, or is it because I’m in the U.K.?


  2. Many thanks J.J. – that worked!

    I enjoyed hearing Paul Size’s somewhat bittersweet reminiscences…and yes, I would like to see a release for the music that Mick Jagger and The Red Devils recorded.

    My friends and I talk about what we’d do if we had a ‘time machine’, and my contribution is always the same: I’d want to be in the Universal Studio in Chicago, c 1953-55, observing a Little Walter, Muddy Waters or Howlin’ Wolf recording session; however, now I would add that i’d like to go back to the Red Devils’ heyday and catch a few gigs, as I missed them completely. I don’t know how or why, but I did. That’s the blues.


  3. This is a P.S. to my earlier comment today…

    Firstly, I admire Dave Lee Bartel for helping Paul Size during the robbery – that was courageous.

    Secondly, I realise now why I never pursued my initial interest in Lester Butler & The Red Devils. At the time – times have changed now and so have I – it all seemed too dark to me. I couldn’t see or hear the light of Lester’s healing intentions within his music or persona; the artwork on the cover of the ’13’ CD was another indicator (to me) that this was not for me…I bought it, listened to it (not closely enough) – and sold it.

    Even the names ‘Thirteen’ and ‘The Red Devils’ put me off.
    Bizarrely to me now, I was actually very worried about Alex Schultz (whom I knew a little back then) being involved with this stuff…Now I envy him!

    Since (and way before) the downfall of Peter Green and Jaco Pastorious as the result of drug abuse, I’ve avoided that culture in a big way. And I stand by that: ultimately, it’s never helped anyone; Peter is still living with the consequences.

    I’m attempting to make up for lost time now (there’s no such thing really but I won’t get into that) by turning all of my friends onto this music. I’ve been pretty successful! I sent ‘She’s Dynamite’ via YouTube to a friend with the note: “You’ll like this” and he replied: “Damn right I like it!”

    Once again, I thank you posting ‘She’s Dynamite’, which was the catalyst for my deep interest in, and love of, this great music.


  4. Just one more thing: I have searched this site (maybe I’m not doing it right) for a mention of a Lester Butler gig at Park City, Utah.

    There are three videos on YouTube from this show, which features Zach Zunis on guitar and Lee Campbell (who I met when he was James Harman, and is a nice guy for sure) on drums. It’s all good stuff (although not the best sound or vision) but the shuffle which plays for 6.53 is utterly astonishing. Lester is inspired and then some, taking his time and doing it right!

    I have no idea what the song is called but it doesn’t matter…

    Any of you who haven’t seen this check it out right now! (I apologise if it’s already old news and is mentioned here somewhere)


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